courses & community


courses & community ~


twin tarot courses, rooted in self-reflection.

by journaling our way through the deck, we have an opportunity to align the way we read tarot with our lived experiences, the futures we dream, and the values that anchor us.

Courses include:

  • card profiles with my definitions & journal Qs (text and audio format)

  • printable coursebook with all profiles & bonus lessons

  • personalized support via the Q & A portal

  • bonus lessons based on questions from former students

  • lessons on chronology, suits ( for Minors course) and reversals

these courses are deep dives - you can take them together or separately, & access to course material never expires.

(psssst: if you just want the workbooks, and not the teachable course… scroll down!)

Patreon: Study reservoirs

patreon is a space where I share with candor & depth about the rhythm, intimacies, and structure of my practice.

  • ritual prompts

  • tarot profiles

  • guided meditations

  • workbooks

  • creative writing / audio notes

  • resource shares (podcasts, books, practitioners)

  • mini-series: the patreon is often where i build curriculum for future classes

if you’re into ceremony, experimental magic, process notes, and group rhythm… this space is for you.

workbooks, zines & guided practice


workbooks, zines & guided practice ~

MINORS: Just The Workbook

For some folks the pacing and the community of the course isn't a necessary learning tool... so I've made the workbook available as a standalone purchase. It deep dives into the cards, rhythms, and energies of the Minor Arcana.

learn more…

MAJORS: Just the workbook

For some folks the pacing and the community of the course isn't a necessary learning tool... so I've made the workbook available as a standalone purchase. It deep dives into the cards, rhythms, and energies of the major Arcana.

learn more…


digital workbook & guided audio for navigating the limits of our control in grief. practice maps areas of agency & non-agency, and things right on the edge… then helps you translate those into actions, requests, or practices for feeling (rather than fixing) the grief.

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Ace of Pentacles: redefining safety

worksheet and guided visualization is for helping us see “safety” not as fixed definition, but an evolving ecosystem - exploring what we have or what we need to be secure, full, and fed.

learn more…

Personal-Collective ALTAr

guided altar practice to visualize, physicalize and reflect on what we’re experiencing personally, and collectively.

learn more…

past classes / workshops


past classes / workshops ~

GRIEF On THE B&C Journey

4 week, via zoom

a class for folks experiencing sensations of loss or grief, as they begin to understand and implement boundaries and consent frameworks.

encountering the world of boundaries and consent frameworks can be a liberating experience. we learn how to describe our needs, share and respect boundaries, say no, express authenticity, parse out power dynamics…

These new skills have a big impact on our lives and our relationships. While we may experience these changes as expansions of our pleasure and freedom, it is also common to encounter grief. 

in this class we’ll cover…

  • what grief is (particularly around non-death losses and grief that comes up distinctly around boundaries & consent learning)

  • how it affects our bodies, hearts, relationships, daily life

  • and what grief needs in order to alchemize & integrate

I plan to offer this again in spring of 2024! if you want to join…


6 month ritual course; building rituals that build relationship

next cohort coming soon, dates tbd

This course is about relocating connection with the beings, objects & elements who are all around us. Over 6 months we will study with 8 teachers: edges, portals, water, warmth, soil, sacrifice, vibrance, death.

Lessons will prompt students to connect with each collaborator, familiarize with your unique connection, and practice ritual as a form of conversation with this entity. Meetings take place at a rhythm of two weeks on, one week off for integration. they include info-shares, guided journaling, ritual recipes, group discussion, and recommended resources (reading/viewing/listening) to deepen our understanding of each entity.

This space will be one of practice - not unapplied theory. It is designed to help us get into the actions of ceremony and dialogue. over the length of the course, we’ll develop trust with one another, share ourselves, learn from each other’s practice & body of knowledge, and watch for evolution in our sense of interconnection.

sliding scale $444-888, payment plans & pay-what-you-can spots available

if you want to be notified when I offer this again…



monthly meetings for group tarot and guided reflection.

  • pay what you wish

  • soft-social

  • via zoom + recorded

(on hiatus)

I Am not ok: rituals for grief and grieving

more than a singular emotion, grief is a transformational process - it is a natural, emotional response to loss, change, limitation, or endings.

in this workshop we’ll cover:

  • what grief is (how it can express & the types of experiences from which it arises)

  • why grief needs ritual (what do they do for each other?)

  • and how to navigate building a grief ritual

workshop includes some hands-on practice & will be soft-social (no mandatory speaking or sharing)

$50, $25 & free spots available